Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Spanking Hotel

Here's the description from Blushing Books website: 

Welcome to the Spanking Hotel.   By day, known as Hotel de Paris, by night, it's a very different place - the Spanking Hotel.   Young Perry sees the exotic dancer Lola Monterez's act a club, and is immediately obsessed.  With her tight toredor pants and flashing cracking whip, he's under her spell.   He learns by chance that she resides at the Hotel de Paris, and immediately gets a bell-hop job there.  The hotel is full of secrets - and Perry discovers that the fascinating and domineering Lola isn't the only one with a whip - or an interesting penchant.    But Perry finds out quickly that Lola is serviced by the top bell-hop, Peter, who has no interest in being supplanted.   Perry is busy enough as he either spanks or is spanked by the hotel's manager, the head bell-hop, the hotel manager's sister, and one very fetching chambermaid.   Through it all, however, he never loses sight of his main goal, Lola Monterez.  Will he become her slave, or will Peter prevail?  The Spanking Hotel, like many of the newly-rediscovered Retro classics, has something for everyone.  With M/F, F/M, M/M and F/F scenes, and original classic illustrations, The Spanking Hotel is a treasure.

One of the things Mr. Retro Spank finds so interesting about this classic literature is that all genres seem to be mixed-up pretty much without any discrimination.  Spanking Hotel is a classic example of this... in one memorable scene, the hero Perry is whipped by a dominant woman until he agrees, cowering, to whip her in return... at which point he immediately and flawlessly adopts the dominant role.   Such scenes can only bring a smile to modern readers lips!

If you want to read chapter one of The Spanking Hotel, you can click here.  You can also buy it directly from Blushing Books by clicking here.

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